
Geevagh, means “the windy”.

The artist traverses sites of weathered water and strong winds as a form of ‘reaching’ towards the rural townland of Geevagh, Co.Sligo, where the artist’s grandmother was born. This work grapples borders of orientation, place and surface. Moving through a travelogue of landscapes: a pond and window in Montreal, a river in Co.Cork and the coastline of Co.Dublin, a reaching towards a personal site of significance is presented.

Watercolour emblems and archival texts about a healing well in Geevagh, from the the 1930’s Duchas Schools Collection, are immersed in the footage.

Geevagh, moving image with sound and embedded texts and watercolours, 07:26, 2023.

Filmed in Quebec, Canada, Cork and Dublin, Ireland.

Narrated by Isabel Fuentes.